DOI records report

How to extract a report of registered DOI identifiers by prefix and period

For publishers of scientific journals that use the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) as a unique identifier for publications, it is essential to have control over the DOIs issued, especially when several journals share the same DOI prefix. Crossref offers a tool to extract partial reports of DOIs issued by prefix, allowing publishers to monitor and manage their publications efficiently.

In this article, we explain step by step how to extract a partial report of DOIs issued by prefix, using the Crossref API. This tutorial is especially useful for journal portals where more than one journal shares the same DOI prefix.

Why Extract a Partial Report from DOIs?

Extracting a partial report of DOIs issued by prefix is useful for:

  • Monitor publications: Keep track of which articles have been published in a given period.

  • Check data: Confirm that all DOIs have been registered correctly.

  • Preparing invoices: Crossref issues quarterly invoices based on the DOIs registered, and this report helps verify the data before closing.

  • Sharing information: In the case of multiple journals sharing the same prefix, the report allows you to separate the DOIs by journal or period.

Step by Step to Extract the Report

Crossref provides an API that allows you to check the DOIs issued by prefix. Below, we explain how to use this API to extract a partial report.

1. Access the API URL

The basic URL for consulting DOIs issued by prefix is as follows:{PREFIX}/works?select=DOI,title,created&rows={NUMBER_OF_LINES}&filter=from-created-date:{START_DATE}

2. Replace Parameters

  • {PREFIX}: Replace with the desired DOI prefix. For example, if the prefix is 10.31510, the URL will be:,title,created&rows=100&filter=from-created-date:2025-01-01
  • {NUMBER_OF_LINES}: Set the maximum number of DOIs to be returned. The maximum value allowed is 1000.

  • {DATA_INICIAL}: Replace with the start date of the desired period. The date must be in the format AAAA-MM-DD.

3. Adjust the Start Date

Crossref issues quarterly invoices based on the following periods:

  • January 1st

  • April 1st

  • July 1st

  • October 1st

For example, to extract DOIs issued from January 1, 2025, use the date 2025-01-01.

4. Run the Query

Open the full URL in a browser or use a tool such as Postman ou cURL to make the request. The API will return a JSON file with the DOIs, titles and creation dates.

5. Analyze the result

The result will be a JSON file in the following format:

  "status": "ok",
  "message-type": "work-list",
  "message": {
    "items": [
        "DOI": "10.31510/abc123",
        "title": ["Title of Article 1"],
        "created": {
          "date-time": "2025-01-15T12:34:56Z"
        "DOI": "10.31510/xyz456",
        "title": ["Title of Article 2"],
        "created": {
          "date-time": "2025-02-20T09:12:34Z"

6. Filter and organize data

If necessary, use tools such as Excel ou Google Sheets to import the JSON and organize the data in a spreadsheet. This makes it easier to analyze and share information.

Practical example

Suppose you want to extract the DOIs issued for the prefix 10.31510 as of January 1, 2025. The URL would look like this:,title,created&rows=100&filter=from-created-date:2025-01-01

When you access this URL, you will receive a JSON with up to 100 DOIs issued as of the specified date.

Important Tips

  1. Line limits
    The API allows you to return up to 1000 rows per query. If the number of DOIs is greater, you can use the cursor to page through the results.

  2. Billing dates
    Remember that Crossref's invoices are quarterly, based on the dates of January 1, April, July and October. Use these dates as a reference to extract reports in line with the billing period.

  3. Analysis Tools
    Use tools such as Excel, Google Sheets or data analysis software to process and organize the results.

How can OJSBR help?

OJSBR offers complete support for scientific journals using OJS and Crossref. Our services include:

  • DOI configuration and integration: We ensure that all articles are correctly registered with Crossref.

  • Technical support: We assist in the extraction and analysis of DOI reports.

  • Treinamento: We offer training for editors and technical teams.

  • Hosting and maintenance: We keep the system up to date and secure at no extra cost.


Extracting a partial report of DOIs issued by prefix is a simple and powerful task that allows publishers to monitor and manage their publications efficiently. With the Crossref API, it is possible to obtain detailed information on registered DOIs, making it easier to prepare invoices and verify data.

If you need help setting up, integrating or managing DOIs in your journal, contact OJSBR. We are here to ensure that your journal operates with excellence and peace of mind!